Miss Annie McMullan | Class Teacher | Year R |
Mrs Rowena Massey | Teaching Assistant | Year R |
Starting school in Year R
At Crondall Primary we believe that every child is an individual who deserves the very best education they can have. We believe that school is a three way partnership between us, the parents and the child. This begins in the summer term before a child starts at school with nursery visits, parent meetings and Rainbow club, which is where children are invited to spend time in school to help familiarise themselves with their new environment.
Year R is the final year of the Early Years Foundation Stage and we follow the EYFS curriculum. Throughout the day the children are involved in a range of activities such as:
- Whole class teaching time
- Adult led group activities
- Outdoor Play
- Choosing from a choice of activities independently
- Painting, sand and creative activities
- Gross and Fine Motor activities
- Listening to stories
- Snack and Lunchtime
Year R have their PE Day on Tuesdays - All children to come into school in their PE Kits on this day.
All class blogs are now on Twitter @CrondallYrr24
YEAR 2022-2023
Friday 25th November
Today in Celebration assembly we announced the artwork to be displayed on the ramp and in Mrs Leatham's office. Well done to Chloe and Alex in Year R for their super self portraits. They looked in the mirror to observe their features and worked hard to pay attention to detail.
Monday 14th November
This week is Nursery Rhyme Week. Today we learnt the song The Big Ship. We couldn't go on to the field for Muddy Monday, so we used the playground and made boats to sail instead.
I wonder what Nursery rhyme we will learn tomorrow?
We also wore Odd Socks today as it was the launch of Anti-Bullying Week.
Thursday 10th November
We have been making poppies using our cutting skills in preparation for Remembrance day tomorrow.
Wednesday 9th November
We have been talking about Bonfire night, sharing experiences and created some fantastic firework art in different wit different mediums; using pastels and black paper, kitchen rolls and paint and also sequins, ribbons and pipe cleaners. We also thought about the sounds the fireworks made and have been using our phonics to write these words (pop, bang, crack, fizz).
Wednesday 3rd November
We have been learning about Diwali this week and made diya holders with clay. We also had a go at making Rangoli patterns with small parts, colouring Rangoli patterns and creating Mehndi hand designs with stampers.
Wednesday 5th October
We have been learning about Harvest this week and enjoyed a visit from Reverend Tara. We also took part in lots of different activities in our lone learning including sorting fruit and vegetables, setting up a farm shop in our lodge, making a scarecrow collage and retelling the story of the little red hen in a puppet show.
Wednesday 14th September 2022
Rainbow class have had a great school start this week. They have enjoyed exploring the different areas and activities inside and out. They are starting to get used to the new routines and have even ventured into the big playground for after lunch play. Well done and welcome Rainbow class!
YEAR 2021-2022
Wednesday 26th May
We have been learning all about the Queen and getting ready to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee. We have been making decorations, practising songs and we are looking forward to our Street party lunch and concert on Friday.
Tuesday 17th May
We finally had our fabulous finish to our topic 'I love where I life" and enjoyed an outing to the local park. The sun was shining and the children had a wonderful time.
Wednesday 11th May
Our bean plants are growing and we have been reading the story of Jack and the beanstalk. The children have enjoyed making puppets and organised their own puppet show making tickets and a sign to invite people along!
Wednesday 4th May
After finding a letter and discovering a box of mystery beans from some one called Jack we decided to plant them and find out what they grow into!
Friday 18th March
We had a great time today taking part in nose and spoon racing for Red Rose day. The children loved taking part in the races and it was lovely to have the whole school out on the field enjoying the final race together in the sunshine. A big well done to Henry Pugh who represented Rainbow class in the final!
Wednesday 16th February
What a fantastic surprise for the children yesterday as the marvellous middle of our topic – I love where I live! A Chinook landed on Hook Meadow and the children even had the opportunity to climb aboard, explore and ask questions. We also went back to watch the Chinook take off later in the day. It was an amazing experience and the children really enjoyed it.
Wednesday 2nd February
We have enjoyed learning about Chinese new year this week and have thinking about how it is celebrated. We have been making Chinese lantern collages, creating our own dragon puppets and have been recalling the different Chinese new year animals and then writing labels using our sounds.
We have also been making the most of the warmer, brighter, drier weather!
Wednesday 12th January
Happy New Year! Well the children have had a busy and exciting start to the year and we have started our new topic, I love where I live -Near and far. We heard a noise in the lodge and found a lost penguin! We have been looking after her and finding out about Penguins and the Antarctic. We also made a water slide for the baby penguin.
Friday 17th December
It was so lovely to be able to have parents in school last week to watch the nativity. The children did so well joining in with the singing, actions and dancing. A really nice way to end their first term at school!
Thursday 11th November
We talked about Remembrance day and made our own poppies with cupcake cases.
Wednesday 10th November
Rainbow class really enjoyed creating their own train with giant cardboard boxes! They worked together to paint and make it and then had lots of fun acting out being at a train station and travelling by train.
Thursday 4th November 2021
We have enjoyed learning about Diwali and how it is celebrated!
Wednesday 2Oth October
Over the last week we have been looking at patterns in Maths. We have been on a pattern hunt outside, found repeating patterns in the classroom, continued patterns and had a go at creating our own repeating patterns inside and outside with different objects.
Harvest Festival
Reverend Tara came into our class to talk to us about Harvest and we talked about some of our favourite healthy foods and where they come from.
Wednesday 22nd September
Rainbow class have done so well settling in and getting used to all of our routines. This week we have been trying to make the most of the dry sunny weather and have been doing lots of activities outside. The children have enjoyed using the bike, the climbing frame and creating in the outdoor construction area. They have also enjoyed playing games on the field and helping to look after our garden area. Well done Rainbow class!
2020 – 2021
Wednesday 7th July
As much as possible (in between showers and down pours) we have tried to take our learning outside. In Maths we explored the properties of shapes and also did estimation and comparing activities with dinosaurs. We are hoping for dry weather next week as we plan to be nature detectives and complete some of our learning through nature challenges.
Thursday 24th June
We planted our sunflowers into the Rainbow class flowerbed.
What a fantastic day! Rainbow had a great time this morning taking part in sports day. They all did so well competing in lots of different races. It was also the first time that they had had a chance to be with the rest of the school so a very special day. The excitement of sports day was followed this afternoon with Crondall’s got talent! Well done to all the children who auditioned for this and a big well done to Sophie and George the KS1 winners for their fantastic duet of “Any dream will do”.
A wonderful day, well done Rainbow class!
Wednesday 16th May
Today we celebrated the Marvellous Middle of our topic “Into the woods” with a teddy bear’s picnic! We enjoyed introducing our teddies to each other playing games, eating healthy snacks, reading stories about bears and singing.
Wednesday 12th May
We have had a busy couple of weeks exploring our new topic – Into the woods! We have been looking at the story of the Gruffalo, learning about woodland creatures as well as making and writing about our own Gruffalos. We have been on a bear hunt, made sensory collages and retold the story using musical instruments.
Wednesday 23th April
What a great start to the summer term! We had an exciting return to school with the stunning start to our new topic – Into the woods!
The children met an Indian Eagle owl and had the opportunity to hold the little owl and we learnt lots of interesting facts about these wonderful creatures. We also planted sunflower seeds to take home and look after.
Wednesday 10th March 2021
Welcome back Rainbow class! it is so lovely to have Rainbow class back in school and it has been really nice to see everyone together again, we have missed you. Rainbow class came in so well this week and settled quickly back into the routines. They were really happy to see all their friends and have enjoyed spending time playing and learning with them. Well done Rainbow class!
Rainbow Class 2020
Thursday 10th of December
Over the last couple of weeks we have been exploring the polar regions and the animals who live there. We looked at the North Pole and learnt about polar bears and also looked at the South pole and learnt facts about penguins. The children enjoyed playing with the small world arctic scene and making artwork with paint and pictures.
Wednesday 18th November
We have had a busy time back since half term! We enjoyed our sponsored Autumn walk and all did very well completing 30 minutes and managed to do 10 or 11 laps around the field!
We have been exploring space and enjoyed acting out the story of Whatever Next.
We also made poppies to make a special display for Remembrance day.
Visitors – Tuesday 20th October
We were very lucky to have some visitors who came in to tell us about how they go exploring! They showed us all the different things that they need to bring, where they sleep and even shared some of the equipment they use when they go exploring under the sea!
Walking through the jungle!
We went on a jungle adventure around our school grounds looking for animals! We used binoculars that we made ourselves and found different jungle animals hiding in the trees!
Wednesday 30th September 2020
This week we have started thinking about what an explorer is, what they do and where they go. We also thought about where we would like to explore and what we might find there.
We started exploring in the jungle and have been finding out about some of the animals we might find there. The children are looking forwards to making binoculars to go on their own jungle adventure next week!
Well done to Rainbow class for settling so well! They have had a busy time enjoying activities inside and out and getting used to the new routines. We have really enjoyed getting to know you and have loved seeing your treasure boxes and hearing about all your special things. A fantastic
Wednesday 16th February
What a fantastic surprise for the children yesterday as the marvellous middle of our topic – I love where I live! A Chinook landed on Hook Meadow and the children even had the opportunity to climb aboard, explore and ask questions. We also went back to watch the Chinook take off later in the day. It was an amazing experience and the children really enjoyed it.
Wednesday 2nd February
We have enjoyed learning about Chinese new year this week and have thinking about how it is celebrated. We have been making Chinese lantern collages, creating our own dragon puppets and have been recalling the different Chinese new year animals and then writing labels using our sounds.
We have also been making the most of the warmer, brighter, drier weather!
Wednesday 12th January
Happy New Year! Well the children have had a busy and exciting start to the year and we have started our new topic, I love where I live -Near and far. We heard a noise in the lodge and found a lost penguin! We have been looking after her and finding out about Penguins and the Antarctic. We also made a water slide for the baby penguin.Friday 17th December
It was so lovely to be able to have parents in school last week to watch the nativity. The children did so well joining in with the singing, actions and dancing. A really nice way to end their first term at school!
Thursday 11th November
We talked about Remembrance day and made our own poppies with cupcake cases.
Wednesday 10th November
Rainbow class really enjoyed creating their own train with giant cardboard boxes! They worked together to paint and make it and then had lots of fun acting out being at a train station and travelling by train.
Thursday 4th November 2021
We have enjoyed learning about Diwali and how it is celebrated!
Wednesday 2Oth October
Over the last week we have been looking at patterns in Maths. We have been on a pattern hunt outside, found repeating patterns in the classroom, continued patterns and had a go at creating our own repeating patterns inside and outside with different objects.
Harvest Festival
Reverend Tara came into our class to talk to us about Harvest and we talked about some of our favourite healthy foods and where they come from.
Wednesday 22nd September
Rainbow class have done so well settling in and getting used to all of our routines. This week we have been trying to make the most of the dry sunny weather and have been doing lots of activities outside. The children have enjoyed using the bike, the climbing frame and creating in the outdoor construction area. They have also enjoyed playing games on the field and helping to look after our garden area. Well done Rainbow class!
2020 – 2021
Wednesday 7th July
As much as possible (in between showers and down pours) we have tried to take our learning outside. In Maths we explored the properties of shapes and also did estimation and comparing activities with dinosaurs. We are hoping for dry weather next week as we plan to be nature detectives and complete some of our learning through nature challenges.
Thursday 24th June
We planted our sunflowers into the Rainbow class flowerbed.
What a fantastic day! Rainbow had a great time this morning taking part in sports day. They all did so well competing in lots of different races. It was also the first time that they had had a chance to be with the rest of the school so a very special day. The excitement of sports day was followed this afternoon with Crondall’s got talent! Well done to all the children who auditioned for this and a big well done to Sophie and George the KS1 winners for their fantastic duet of “Any dream will do”.
A wonderful day, well done Rainbow class!
Wednesday 16th May
Today we celebrated the Marvellous Middle of our topic “Into the woods” with a teddy bear’s picnic! We enjoyed introducing our teddies to each other playing games, eating healthy snacks, reading stories about bears and singing.
Wednesday 12th May
We have had a busy couple of weeks exploring our new topic – Into the woods! We have been looking at the story of the Gruffalo, learning about woodland creatures as well as making and writing about our own Gruffalos. We have been on a bear hunt, made sensory collages and retold the story using musical instruments.
Wednesday 23th April
What a great start to the summer term! We had an exciting return to school with the stunning start to our new topic – Into the woods!
The children met an Indian Eagle owl and had the opportunity to hold the little owl and we learnt lots of interesting facts about these wonderful creatures. We also planted sunflower seeds to take home and look after.
Wednesday 10th March 2021
Welcome back Rainbow class! it is so lovely to have Rainbow class back in school and it has been really nice to see everyone together again, we have missed you. Rainbow class came in so well this week and settled quickly back into the routines. They were really happy to see all their friends and have enjoyed spending time playing and learning with them. Well done Rainbow class!
Rainbow Class 2020
Thursday 10th of December
Over the last couple of weeks we have been exploring the polar regions and the animals who live there. We looked at the North Pole and learnt about polar bears and also looked at the South pole and learnt facts about penguins. The children enjoyed playing with the small world arctic scene and making artwork with paint and pictures.
Wednesday 18th November
We have had a busy time back since half term! We enjoyed our sponsored Autumn walk and all did very well completing 30 minutes and managed to do 10 or 11 laps around the field!
We have been exploring space and enjoyed acting out the story of Whatever Next.
We also made poppies to make a special display for Remembrance day.
Visitors – Tuesday 20th October
We were very lucky to have some visitors who came in to tell us about how they go exploring! They showed us all the different things that they need to bring, where they sleep and even shared some of the equipment they use when they go exploring under the sea!
Walking through the jungle!
We went on a jungle adventure around our school grounds looking for animals! We used binoculars that we made ourselves and found different jungle animals hiding in the trees!
Wednesday 30th September 2020
This week we have started thinking about what an explorer is, what they do and where they go. We also thought about where we would like to explore and what we might find there.
We started exploring in the jungle and have been finding out about some of the animals we might find there. The children are looking forwards to making binoculars to go on their own jungle adventure next week!
Well done to Rainbow class for settling so well! They have had a busy time enjoying activities inside and out and getting used to the new routines. We have really enjoyed getting to know you and have loved seeing your treasure boxes and hearing about all your special things. A fantastic