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Crondall Primary School

School Council

Our School Council gives our pupils a voice. It is made up of two representatives from each class in Years 1 –5. Year 6 are represented by our two School Captains and School Council Secretary. In the summer term Year R join School Council. Elections for new councillors are held at the beginning of the Autumn Term and any child interested in becoming School Councillor is invited to give reasons to their class to persuade them why they should be elected.

The key aims of our School Council are:

  • To give children a voice to share their opinions
  • To give children the opportunity to be involved in improving school life for everyone
  • To promote our school values
  • For children to work as partners with staff, developing a caring school community
  • To provide children with opportunities to develop skills that will be important throughout their lives
  • To involve children in solving problems and resolving conflicts

    Prior to the weekly meeting School Councillors lead a Class Council meeting to gather the views and opinions of their class so they represent their class fairly at the meeting. Half-termly there is a suggestion meeting when ideas for improvements and developments from each class are shared, discussed and next steps planned. The School Council Secretary takes Minutes of each meeting are taken to act as an aide memoire. Councillors are clear that they must put across the views of their class and not just their own. All Councillors are expected to show exemplary behaviour around school. The Councillors are often the first point of contact to represent the school to talk to visitors. Recent activities have included:

  • Being involved in the interview process for our new Head teacher
  • Working with the School Leadership Team to develop the Star Values
  • Suggesting improvements for school lunch menu including the introduction of a salad bar
  • Coordinating fundraising for Red Nose Day, including publishing a school joke book.
  • Being involved in the collecting suggestions for new Class names for September 2019.