The children will have the confidence to speak with good intonation and pronunciation. They will be able to understand and respond to spoken or written Spanish from a variety of sources. The children will have an appreciation of a range of writing in Spanish. They will be able to write at varying length for different purposes and audiences. The children will have a strong awareness of the culture of Spain and the ability to use the language creatively and spontaneously.
By the end of KS2...
- Listen to and understand the main points and some detail from a short spoken passage.
- Give a presentation in a clear audible voice.
- Converse briefly without prompts.
- Enjoy listening and speaking confidently.
- Read aloud with confidence, enjoyment and expression, in chorus or individually.
- Read and understand the main points and some detail from a short written passage.
- Write several sentences from memory.
- Develop a short text using a model.
- Demonstrate understanding of and respect for cultural diversity.
- Present information about an aspect of another country.
- Apply their knowledge of language rules and conventions when building short sentences and texts, spoken and written.
- Understand and use question forms and negatives in spoken and written language.
- Understand that rules and conventions are respected by native speakers and are important for learners.
- Recognise some basic aspects of agreement where relevant, e.g. gender, singular/plural, pronoun/verb, adjectives.
- Recognise the importance and significance of intonation and punctuation.
Implementation at our school
Children listen to texts and learn to pick out the main points and some details. They learn texts, sketches and dialogues by heart and perform them in front of an audience. They enjoy listening to and joining in with a wide range of songs, poems and stories, and develop their confidence, imagination and self-expression. They learn to initiate and sustain short conversations without help. They also enjoy developing short presentations or sharing simple accounts of interesting events from their own experience. Children read a variety of longer texts from different text types. They read aloud with confidence and enjoyment, and also enjoy reading short texts independently. They learn to write some short, simple sentences from memory and continue to develop their writing skills by constructing short texts using a model. Children compare attitudes of different cultures. They discuss stereotypes and reflect on the importance of developing tolerance and understanding between people. They celebrate their understanding and knowledge with others. Children become more confident users of language, reflecting on their knowledge about language and using this to make meanings that matter to them. They develop greater independence in applying language learning strategies and in transferring language from one context to another.
How to support my child?