Year 5
Mr Lewis Webb | Class Teacher | Year 5 |
Mrs Emma Morley | Class Teacher - Wednesday & Thursdays | Year 5 |
Mrs Katie Spencer | HLTA | Year 5 |
Mrs Briony Cavell | Teaching Assistant - AM | Year 5 |
What happens in Year 5 at Crondall Primary School
In Year 5, we continue to develop the children’s knowledge and skills in all areas of the curriculum. We use a cross-curricular approach to deliver our topics, including writing for a range of audiences and purposes. An example of this is our History work on Roman Britain where we will be exploring life as a Roman, resulting in non-fiction reports about Roman architecture, narrative writing based on Roman myths and Shakespeare’s ‘Julius Caesar’. We are also reading a book called ‘Roman Mysteries: The Thieves of Ostia.’
In DT we will bake Roman bread and use our knowledge of Roman architecture to draw buildings in the style of Escher.
In music, we will be listening to marches and will then compose our own.
In Maths, we continue to build upon their understanding and extend their learning at every opportunity through reasoning and problem-solving enquiry.
In Science, the children learn about fossils, geological time and classification, space and gravity, making new substances, forces and circulation. They also learn about scientific enquiry and how to construct a fair test.
The children will also develop their speaking and listening skills in order to participate in a range of presentation opportunities. This includes the Christmas play and a class assembly.
During the year, the children will be encouraged to be active, learning about dance, gymnastics and a variety of sports during our PE sessions. This will be taught by the class teacher and a specialist PE provider.
Year 5 have their PE Days on Tuesday and Thursdays - All children to come into school in their PE Kits on these days.
All class blogs are now on Twitter @CrondallYr5_24
YEAR 2022-2023
14th December 2022
It’s behind you!
Today we thoroughly enjoyed our trip to the theatre to watch Cinderella.
‘It was really exciting seeing the characters play their parts’ – Aiden
‘I like Buttons when he was a flying pig and he flew across the stage’ – Alex
‘I really liked the ugly step sisters as they were really funny’ - Bella
8th December 2022
Fabulous Finish
A big thank you to all our amazing adults who came to share and enjoy our learning with us today. We are so pleased you are proud of us and wrote lovely comments on our feedback.
Here are some pictures…
30th November 2022
Today was our Woodland Wednesday and you would knot believe what we did!
It was a fun packed day full of exciting activities and games. We made a catapult using cow hitch and clove hitch knots. We then tested them out on the field to see who could launch a ping-pong ball the furthest. Two teams drew. We were also very creative and made mythical creatures out of nature. Finally, we played hide and seek. By Flo and Archie
‘Today I really enjoyed making the catapults even though my cup broke and we struggled with the knots’ – Juliet
‘I really enjoyed making mythical creatures’ - Beth
17th November 2022
Today our classroom turned into an Ancient Greek restaurant!
We were very lucky to have adult helpers who helped us cook fassolatha (which is white bean soup). Everyone was really excited to go back into the kitchen and use utensils they may not have tried before and learn new skills. However, the best part was the dining experience! We ate together and evaluated our learning. Here are some of our comments.
'It is really healthy and tasty’ – Alex
‘I really enjoyed the flavours as they really work well together’ – Summer
‘I really enjoyed making it as when we chopped the onions, everyone started crying’ – Emileo
‘It was fun cutting the different vegetables’ – Spencer
‘I found it quite easy chopping the celery’ – Beth
‘I found it really fun peeling the carrots’ – Bella
‘It looked really appealing because it was a rainbow of colours’ – Flo
‘It was scrumptious’ – Monty
4th November 2022
The hall was buzzing with excitement for our first Spelling Bee in over three years! Year 5 and 6 battled to try and win with the highest points for their team. You wouldn't have beelieved how much teamwork and enthusiasm came from the children. They were also well beehaved.
Results will be announced during Celebration Assembly on 18.11.22. Well done Year 5 and 6!
3rd November 2022
Today we looked at ancient Greek trading and democracy in a workshop. We did lots of ‘trading’ from our different ‘city states’. The Sparta group ended up stealing a lot of our goods which didn’t seem fair. We also had the opportunity to learn some Greek myths and perform them in front of each other. The morning ended with a court setting where some crimes had been committed and the judges had to decide whether they were guilty or not guilty.
‘I learnt that when you committed a crime there were lots of different types of punishment. The death by falling one really shocked me!’ – Amber
‘I enjoyed learning about the myths. We performed the Arachne myth. It was quite interesting as I don’t really know much about Greek myths’ – Billy
‘I didn’t know they traded so much as they did’ – Flo
‘It was really funny when we had to perform the myth of Persephone as we are learning about it in class’ – Spencer
‘I really enjoyed the trading as it was really fun to trade the different things. We got to steal and I didn’t know that Sparta could steal and the other city states couldn’t’ – Juliet
‘I learnt that being a judge was a really important job’ - Bella
12th October 2022
Author’s Day
We have had an amazing day today!
Stephen Davies, author of The Ancient Egypt Sleepover, spent the whole day with us. The day began with an assembly where Steve told us about his reasons for writing and shared his vast knowledge of Egypt. He was very impressed with our answers and how much we knew about the topic.
He then set us a challenge to write our own Egyptian sleepover story. We worked by ourselves, in partners or small groups for the writing process. Steve was on hand to give us advice on our writing as we were working on it.
Then, in the afternoon, we had an opportunity to share our work with other classes. Everyone is so proud with what they have achieved today and we know we are confident to write and share our stories with others.
‘I have achieved writing an amazing story with my best friend and sharing it’
‘I have achieved putting emotion into my writing and enjoyed sharing my work’
‘Today was so fun because one of my favourite things is writing. My highlight of the day was reading our story to Stephen Davies’ - Flo
‘I improved my writing skills and I thought that we wrote a great story’ - Juliet
‘I improved my description when we were writing our stories. I really enjoyed meeting the author’ – Bryony
Stephen left us a note which said...
‘I’m so happy to have met so many talented young authors’ - Stephen Davies
28th September 2022
Woodland Wednesday
Today we have taken our learning outside for the day! We have been working on teamwork (through a blindfolded game), learning about the eight compass directions, orienteering and being creative with nature.
'I loved finding things in the woodland and making characters' – Beth
'I enjoyed following all of the compass points to navigate to the whiteboards which had messages' – Tristan
'It was really fun hiding the message for Tristan and Toby as they went completely the wrong way' – Spencer
'I enjoyed playing the animal game as it was very funny' - Flo
20th September 2022
Today we met Juliet Desailly, author of Ma'at's Feather, via a TEAMs call. We prepared by writing some questions prior to the call. Then, we shared the meeting with Year 6 and asked her lots of questions. She was very honest and open. We learnt about editing and how you need to be resilient. This is something we identify with as writers ourselves.
‘It was amazing because it was the second author I met. – Alex
‘I really enjoyed because I found out lots of new information about Ma’at’s Feather’ – Poppy
‘It was really exciting to see her because I like the book’ – Spencer
‘I loved hearing about her personal thoughts about the book’ - Flo
8th September 2022
Welcome to Year 5!
It has been an incredibly busy start to a new term and the children have shone like stars already. Everyone has settled into the new class and their learning (with a lot of fun along the way).
Last week we had 'Forest Friday' where we had a day outside on our grounds, enjoying and experiencing life outside.
On Monday we had our Stunning Start where the children had to consider what it would be like to be an Ancient Egyptian. We made our own bookmarks with our names in hieroglyphics and a scarab beetle out of clay.
YEAR 2021-2022
20th July 2022
Today we had a special treat and visited the park. Not only was it fun...we had ice-lollies too!
'Going to the park was really fun because we have never been there for a school trip' - Amelia S
'I really enjoyed playing with everyone in the class' - Maisey
7th July 2022
Aspirations Day!
This afternoon we have been learning about possible careers we could have when we are adults. We have learnt about salaries and the average yearly wage. Some of us have even been looking at what courses we would need to complete to achieve our dream jobs!
'I loved looking at the different jobs and what you can choose to do when you are older' - Elizabeth
'All the different jobs were very interesting' - Maisey
'I liked speaking to the man who did scuba diving and finding bombs' - Bede
'I enjoyed looking at my Dad's virtual reality app and how he could open the school app with his water bottle' - Charlie
5th July
We had our special 'premiere' showing of our home learning today. Year 4 were an amazing audience and enjoyed our nature presenters in action. Well done Year 5!
29th June 2022
Today we have another VIP in our classroom. We were very lucky to have 'Graham the Royal Gardener' share his experiences of working on the royal grounds. He showed us pictures of his work, which included plants and wildlife, and how he looks after the royal aviary.
We had lots of questions for him and found his talk very interesting. Thank you Graham!
'I really enjoyed it because we were really lucky that a man who actually works for the Queen came in our classroom and told us a lot of things about the Queen and the land' - Elizabeth
'One of my favourite bits was when he was talking about the plants as I knew most of them but learnt about new ones' - Elsie
' It was really exciting and when he was showing us the pictures of the gardens one of them looked like it was from The Secret Garden' - Amelia
'There were interesting facts' - Will
'It was really fun learning about all the facts and how Graham has been working for the Queen for 44 years' - Charlie
'I liked the pictures as they were fascinating' - Jacob
22nd June 2022
Here are some pictures of Sports Day today. The children demonstrated our STAR values with a sea of smiles, team work - supporting each other, achieving their personal goals and showing respect for themselves and others. Well done Year 5! You were amazing.
20th June 2022
Today we had a visit from Ellie's Grandma about beekeeping.
'We got to taste honey. The clear honey was delicious' - Amelia
'I've never had honey before and I really enjoyed it' -Elsie
'I liked the creamy honey because as soon as you put it in your mouth it was very sweet' - Elizabeth
'It was really fun putting on the beekeeper costume and smelling and touching the wax' - Charlie
'It was really interesting learning about what happens when a bee/wasp stings you' - Alfie
Thank you to Ellie's Grandma for teaching us about bees today. We are now buzzing with information!
13th June 2022
Today we were incredibly lucky to have Mia's Mum as a guest speaker. We learnt about marine biology and her adventures with sharks.
'The talk made me want to be a marine biologist more than I did before' - Amelia
'When we were looking at all the pictures of the sharks, it made me think that sharks aren't always aggressive towards humans' - Elizabeth
'Before I was kind of scared but now it has made think there is a different side to it' - Elsie
We really enjoyed listening to her presentation.
8th June 2022
Welcome back for the last part of Year 5! We will be extremely busy this term but know it will be a lot of fun.
We wanted to share some of our captured moments from when our special adults came into our class during the Jubilee Day celebrations.
20th May 2022
Today was Science Day!
We began by drawing what we thought a scientist looked like. This was very interesting as we drew more men than women!
To explore this in greater depth, we found names of famous scientists we wanted to research and created a fact file about them.
We then became scientists to try and answer Miss Wood’s question in assembly…which is the best biscuit to dunk?
With an assortment of biscuits we conducted an experiment to understand which biscuit was ‘the best dunker’.
Later on, we met teachers from Calthorpe School who created a pin hole camera with us.
A super science day was had by all.
‘I absolutely loved it’ – Amelia
‘I liked it when the teachers came and we made the cameras’ – Jacob
‘I enjoyed the biscuit investigation. It was fun seeing which one lasted the longest’ - Ellie
11th May 2022
Yesterday we enjoyed spending time in the allotment. We were able to plant corn, sunflowers, carrots and more! There was also an opportunity to water our pots we painted last term. It was a beautiful afternoon with lots of sunshine. Thank you to the adults who came in to help us.
In our English lesson today, we had three innocent witnesses who allowed us to question them on what happened on Tuesday (from the book Tuesday). Our three guests were Mr Archer (dog owner), Mr Reeve (man eating a late snack) and Grandma Shea who was dosing in her armchair at the time of the incident.
We will share our police incident reports with you next week...
27th April 2022
Our Stunning Start
Today we built a small chain of bug hotels which was bugtastic!
Please admire our luxurious accommodation for our exclusive bug clients with a neighbouring property, our eco-friendly retreat, made completely from natural resources. With exquisite bedding fit for a queen or king to rest, there is even a balcony with spectacular views of the school field and an all you can eat buffet.
In addition to our portfolio of properties, a hedgehog haven has been constructed alongside for our larger residents to eat, sleep and enjoy the facilities.
8th April 2022
Today we went to Year 2 to share our ‘Just So’ stories we have been writing over the last two weeks. They really enjoyed being our audience.
Here are some pictures…
6th April 2022
Our Fabulous Finish!
Today we were allowed to venture through into other classes. Every class was creative and it was fun looking at all of the things they have been working on over the term.
Each class left comments for the children to enjoy when they got back. This made us feel happy and it was nice to see people liked our work.
We have put a short video of our exhibition for you to see. We hope you enjoy it! – Charlie and Will
8 March 2022
Today we visited Pierrepont Farm in Frensham. It was really exciting because we got to see all the baby cows and their mothers. – Elizabeth
There were various activities, each one as exciting as the other, like making butter and doing quizzes – Ellie
I liked it when we milked the fake cow – Ellie
I liked it when I fed a cow called Fancy – Elsie
It was funny when we called the cow Gemima but then we lost it – Maisey
I enjoyed it when we were feeding the cows and there was even a cow there called Elsa – Elsa
I really enjoyed making our homemade butter – Mia
I thought it was really cool that we were able to see the cows being milked – Amelia
I enjoyed stroking the baby with his funny hairstyle – Jacob
3rd March 2022
What a wonderful World Book Day we had today! The children looked amazing and were so enthused with the book activities during the day. Thank you for your continuing support!
Our door entry looks fabulous too! We decided to base it on Big Panda and Tiny Dragon. Everyone chose a page they felt touched them and used the quote to support their illustration.
16th February 2022
Life in Year 5 is incredibly busy!
Last week we had visitors in for Health and Safety week. The children enjoyed all of their experiences but wanted to tell you what they thought of their first aid training.
I liked the experience of being able to do CPR today – Eddie
It was really important we tried CPR on different sized dummies – Elizabeth
It was interesting how I could do the defibrillator – Bede
I am happy that I am prepared to help someone in need and safe a life – Elsie
The children were asked to come home and try and put their adult into the recovery position…did they try it?
The children demonstrated excellent listening and the teamwork was exemplary. They felt comfortable to talk about what they would do in an emergency. Well done Year 5!
This week we have had a chinook experience and bikeability not to mention writing the lost tale from The Hobbit!
More pictures will follow…please watch this space.
2 February 2022
Today we went to Winchester Science Centre for our Earth and Space learning. We had an amazing day as you can see below.
I liked the place where you could examine the animals or humans bodies after an accident – Harry
When we were in the planetarium it was cool finding out the different facts like Uranus was originally called George! – Maisey
My favourite part was the world’s quietest room – Eddie
I liked it when we were in the big small room because you became really small or tall – Ruby
I liked the rocket. When you spoke into it, it changed the tone of your voice – Charlie
I really liked the gravity well. You could just skim it across and it would bounce back the other side – Amelia
It was fun learning in a different style – Ellie
I liked the room where it had music – it was like a disco! – Elizabeth
I liked the room that made you tall/small – Elsie
My favourite part was where you could find out how to sign your name in sign language – Matilda
I really enjoyed the extraordinary experience of the planetarium –Mia
I liked the google map – Jacob
26th January 2022
We just wanted to tell you about our creative music lesson this afternoon as we continue to learn about Funky Five music. After watching part of ‘Stomp’, we knew that instruments could be made from all sorts of everyday objects. It is called Funky Five as we focus on 5 beats in the bar. Today we performed a ‘wall of music’. Everybody created their own bar using different beats and then we ‘jammed’ using untuned instruments. These will be replaced by recycled items as we learn more about this type of music. It was quite loud in Year 5 today!
13th January 2022
Happy New Year! It has been lovely welcoming the children back to another exciting term.
We have been incredibly busy working on our new topic, ‘Location, Location, Location’.
Last week we had our stunning start where we designed and painted our own terracotta pot which we will use for our own ‘nursery’ in the classroom. We are hoping to start planting next week and will keep you updated.
Here are some pictures of our class being creative and very artistic!
15th December
We can’t believe it is the last week of school before Christmas!
We have been busy with our Calendar of Kindness, Christmas service writing and rehearsals and that’s without Christmas lunch and the panto this afternoon. Here are some of our pictures from today.
6th December
We forgot to update you on Friday 3rd December…it was to be kind to make someone feel special.
4th Do a job for an adult (you can always do this a couple of days after it was on the calendar!)
5th Cook something for a friend/neighbour
6th To make a kindness rock.
Everyone made unique rocks and we all worked as a team – Elsie
The children will be taking these back home today to place around the area they live. Please report any findings back to us!
2nd December
Today the calendar is to count how many people you can smile at. We have been counting in and out of class (when we went swimming).
Here is a picture of our tree which has our own special baubles on it which we made for each other with kind words on them.
1st December
Yesterday we made a ‘Calendar of Kindness’.
Everyone contributed their ideas and decorated a stocking for the door.
Today the act is… to give someone a compliment. We will be doing this and hanging it on our newly installed Christmas tree!
Please come back tomorrow to see what the next act is…
19th November 2021
Children in Need
We looked spotty, stripy, bright, camouflaged and completely different from our normal uniform today.
This morning we have enjoyed singing along to some of the songs from Children in Need over the years as we began publishing our new class poetry book. We hope to meet the deadline for next week to present to the rest of the school. Updates and highlights from it will be posted online soon…
17th November 2021
Today we went to the cinema to watch Croods 2 with Year 6. This was related to our Stone Age topic and because it was the Into Film Festival.
We had the whole cinema screen to ourselves and chose the luxury seats to watch the movie!
I loved the movie and it was a great experience with my class – Mia
It was really exciting and I really liked the film – Amelia
We have never been on a school trip to the cinema before, it was amazing! – Charlie
It was an extremely fun trip and the movie was fantastic – Sam
Some of it was really funny to watch – Elsie
It was an extremely fun trip with my friends and we enjoyed the movie a lot – Elsa
3rd November 2021
Our Marvellous Middle!
This afternoon we researched Iron Age forts and when we had completed our designs we made our own.
Mia – It was really fun doing the paper mache.
Maisey – This afternoon was very creative!
Ruby – I liked making the Iron Age fort as it was a craft activity and I enjoyed doing it.
Bede – I enjoyed making my fort because I enjoy doing paper mache and designing them.
2nd November 2021
How lovely to welcome everyone back after a well-earned half term!
The home learning projects have been coming in this week and look spectacular (what a creative class we are).
Please see some of the examples of our outstanding work.
7 October 2021
This week we have continued our bread themed design technology learning. We have researched recipes, written recipes and made our recipes come to life!
The smell from the kitchen was mouth-watering (it was best not to look at the floury floor!)
The children have all created bread which was not only tasty but looked like a work of art.
Well done to all the bakers in Year 5! Here are some of our culinary delights.
Tuesday 28th September
Bread food tasting
Today our class had a bread tasting session and we tasted all types of different bread. Although some of the breads looked different, some of them tasted the same.
I have never tried pitta bread or chapati. They were my two favourite breads! – Harry
Some of the names of the breads were really hard to pronounce – Elsie
I found some of the breads like chapati quite bitter but some of them were really good – Mia
Some of the breads were quite dry but some of them had a lot of flavour – Sam
Some of the breads had unusual names and looked different – Maisey
Some of them were fluffy and some were hard – Matilda
Friday 24th September
‘Democracy Day’
Today we all came to school dressed in red, white and blue, ready to learn about democracy. We have talked about what democracy is and have learnt about the House of Lords and House of Commons. We even found out why they have lines on the floor there….we were pretty shocked it was to stop people crossing them with their swords!
The presentations were delivered with confidence, clarity and a clear commitment to be elected for their chosen role. Mrs Larkin and myself were inspired and captivated by the children’s dedicated attitude and detailed reasons for applying for the different roles. We are very proud of what they have all achieved today. We now await the results…here are some pictures to make you equally proud!
Tuesday 21 September
As part of our music lesson this week, we have been listening to ‘Music for Airports’ by Brian Eno. We began by answering questions about the dimensions of the piece. Is it loud or quiet? Fast or slow? How many sounds can be heard at one time?
Then questions about the mood and character. Is it familiar or unusual? Is it busy or peaceful? Is it angry or calm? Is it crowded or lonely?
To answer more abstract questions… What colour is it? What time of day is it? Where are you? What are you wearing? Are you alone of are you with anyone and if so who?
We then continued listening and drew an artistic response.
Here are some of our representations.
I found this very calming and relaxing – Amelia S
Even Mrs Leatham commented on how peaceful our learning environment was!
Monday 6th September 2021
Welcome back everyone!
My, you have all grown (we can confirm this is definitely true as we measured ourselves today and compared our figures with this time last year and couldn’t believe by how much).
Today has been amazing and we have been impressed with your positive attitude and thirst for learning. Long may it continue!
Our Stunning Start
The children were shown life in the Stone Age and had the opportunity to create their own cave house. Although we don’t normally have cave homes in Crondall, this was a one off opportunity to take on the role of a Stone Age person. The children were very creative and managed to recreate life from thousands of years ago using clues. They even came up with property costs which were measured in rocks!
Year 5 2020 – 2021
Wednesday 7th July 2021 – Transition Afternoon
For our transition to Year 6 afternoon, we began a piece of Stone Age art influenced by the Cueva de las Manos.
Wednesday 24th June 2021 – Sports Day
Wednesday 16th June 2021
For our Marvellous Middle, we went for a walk in the woods! We looked for different plants, trees and signs of animals. We even managed to fit in a playtime there!
Thursday 13th May 2021
We have been learning about Robin Hood. We dramatised the story of The Silver Arrow.
Pretending to do the archery was fun – I felt like I was Robin Hood! (Anja)
I liked shouting at Jessica. (Ben)
It was fun and exciting to act the Robin Hood story. (Jay)
It was fun recreating the Robin Hood scene as we have been studying the stories this week. (Luca)
Wednesday 28th April 2021
We have been building model shelters in preparation for writing.
The den building was a good teamwork activity. Our team was really good. Jessica
Building the dens was really fun because everybody had something to do . Our team gave each member a job to do. Khyran
I enjoyed working as a team and finding resources to build the den with. Lexi
Thursday 1st April 2021
We have been studying Forces in Science.
It was fun to make the parachutes for the investigation. (Xanthe)
It was fun seeing our parachute glide to the ground. We were proud that they worked. (Hugh)
I really enjoyed comparing different sized parachutes. (Clara)
Wednesday 10th March 2021
Life is getting back to normal in Year 5. We have been continuing with an art project that we started while we were working at home.
It has been nice coming back to school and seeing all of my friends. (Hugh)
It has been nice, but odd, because I had forgotten how to set up my maths book which surprised me! It has been good to see my friends and teachers. (Natalia)
I think it has been good coming into school and seeing my friends, but it is peculiar because I have got used to waking up and going to the kitchen to do my work. (Sophia)
Thursday 17th December 2020
This week, for our Fabulous Finish, we shared our learning with the Year 6 children. Here is a short video of how we set up the tables. A higher quality video has been sent out via Seesaw.
Thursday 3rd December 2020
This week, we have been creating our patterned clay tiles.
Wednesday 18th November 2020
We have started learning about Ancient Islamic Civilization. We have been investigating different historical sources to see what we can find out.
Wednesday 21st October 2020
We have been learning a range of drawing techniques linked to the Viking part of our Lost Lands Topic.
When we did the Viking snake heads, I enjoyed drawing them and joining them onto Viking knots. (Luca)
Viking art is really fun and interesting. I like doing the detail. (Xanthe)
Viking art is a great time to think about the detail of what we are going to draw. (Clara)
Viking art is super unique and the patterns are really creative. (Hugh)
Wednesday 30th September
Even though it was a long day, our trip to Stubbington Study Centre was utterly brilliant!
Friday 11th September 2020
Our stunning start involved Year 5 becoming Anglo-Saxon spies who were on a mission to find out as much about Viking Longships as they could. We even managed to capture a Viking ship builder!